Moving to NYC

lotte ny palace

Lovely folks

I have been absent for quite a while and I apologize for that but I needed some time to focus on starting my brand, while settling in NYC and finding my circle. During this time I have had so many friends ask about the move so I decided to share a little bit about the decision & our journey. Hoping you guys will find it helpful.


So let me tell you about my love affair with New York City. Moving to NYC was my childhood dream, I’m beyond grateful to have met a man who also shared the same dream. After a lovely trip to NYC late summer in 2015 we fell in love so deep that we decided to leave our glamorous life in LA and start over in NYC. And I’m so glad we did. No no I’m not going to say Oh it’s a dream come through because this city is so magical (which it is… at times), but I’m glad we made the move while we were young and ambitious because you can only handle this city (and the intense hustle) while you are young and willing to work hard for it. This is not the move to make in your late 30s or 40s. It’s just too much to handle.

As any New Yorker will tell you its hard to live in this city. I love this city but its a one-way love affair, unreciprocated love, this city doesn’t love anyone back. It’s a rough place to call home, with its overcrowded streets, smelly subways, harsh winters, and a deserved reputation for being one of the most expensive cities to live.

I would say finding a decent place to live was the biggest challenge. I tried every single website advertised, called friends and realtors but still had a traumatic experience. My advice? sublet for a few months first so you get to experience different neighborhoods and decide where you want to settle down. I highly recommend this amazing website

Listings Project is staffed by artists and creatives who are all, in their individual and collective ways, committed to creating the community they want to live and work in.

And that’s the magic of this city! Once you find your circle and your community you start to fall in love more each day. This city is filled with passionate people who work hard and hustle everyday to achieve their goals and that energy is truly magical. 

Flatiron building NYC