Embrace the sun within

A day retreat to re-connect to your inner sun. Sunday June 19th at Lago Hotel.

Embrace the sun within, Day retreat.

In preparation for Summer Solstice, the time of year when we experience the longest day of the year and celebrate moving from the darkness of winter to the light of summer, We would like to invite you to join us at the Lago Hotel on Sunday June 19th at 8:30 am for a day retreat to “Embrace The Sun Within”. 

A way to invite fire into our lives and burn away everything we have outgrown that no longer serves us. As these layers begin to peel away we find ourselves less in our head and more in our hearts, harnessing of the breath allows us to breathe in the new for healing and growth and breathe out the old to let go of things we no longer need. We tap into our inner strength, to channel our inner sun. 

Retreat Schedule:

  • At 8:30 am We will come together at the beautiful garden of the Lago Hotel overlooking the lake to begin our day with an inner Sun Kriya, a  Kundalini Meditation to Awaken our Inner Light led by Raha in English. 

  • At 9am We will then move into a 75 mins morning Vinyasa practice guided by Raha in English. 

  • From 10:30 - 12:00 we will indulge in a nourishing brunch outdoors, elevating conversation, as we cherish the fresh summer breeze. 

  • From 12:30 - 1:30 Anna & Raha will join forces to provide you with a healing meditation.

  • An opportunity to take a short break, indulging in comforting tea & some fruits. 

  • At 14:00 Anna will lead us into a 75 mins full body flow, followed by a soul nourishing 30 mins Yin Yoga and a guided savannah in German. 

In case of rain we have secured a wonderful indoor space and we are beyond excited to share this day with you regardless of weather conditions. We also have a private secure space for you to leave your belongings or change. 

The space is rather limited so we ask you to please RSVP. 

Meet your hosts:

Raha Bamdadi & Anna Altrichter

When: Sunday, June 19th from 8am till 5pm   

Where: Lago Hotel. Free Parking available on site.

Price per person €119 includes all Meditation, breath work and yoga sessions as well as all inclusive Brunch, water, tea, fruits. Payable via Paypal. IBAN, or cash at the event. A 48 hour cancellation policy is honoured. 

What to bring? wear comfortable yoga suitable clothing, bring your mat & water.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us and we look forward to uniting under the sun.